Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hi all,

taking a break from this space as exams are nearing and hence this space won't be worth checking out till after 23rd January 2006. Before I go, here's one last post. So till then, see you all next year!


I was part of something which I am proud of

It's been about two or three weeks since I handed over my Singsoc duties as a Chief Editor and a committee member to the juniors and I am somewhat feeling the pinch which I never thought would be possible.

Forget about what those people said about singsoc being a political entity full of political creatures, truth be told, there's politics everywhere you go and in fact the only way to shun away from politics is to be away from people. The equation is simple, people = politics, not very complicated indeed. Which makes me really wonder, when people don't run for positions in Singsoc because they don't want to be tangled in all these politics and come out of it being seen as the bad person or lesser the person they really are, are they trying to imply that everyone who ran for their positions actually enjoyed being tangled up in all this mess and come out being viewed as a person lesser than they truly are then?

I know people's been saying things about me(whoever they are, whichever religion they subscribe to, may their god be with them), like I haven't been doing much for Singsoc this time round (referring to my second consecutive year as a comm member not during my first year).
Sure, I've stopped giving as much as I used to as compared to my first year because from day one when I decided to stay on because someone who ran for my position resigned hours after the election and the new committee needed me to be there (I specifically said to them that I will only stay on if you guys need me to but as a dormant Chief Editor who will still publish the Lions' Roar as per normal but would not like to participate in meetings unless its meetings concerning Adnd and I will be in active mode once sssm starts preparing for Adnd) and because I told them before the election that I will support them no matter what after the election and this is my way of fulfilling that promise. I did all that I could for SSSM as a committee member, apart from not attending some meetings, what else have I not been doing?
And to have people saying such things about me? Was I upset? Of course, I was and still am but hey what do these people know about what I've done for Singsoc, what I've given to Singsoc and people in my committee have eyes and even if nobody recognises what I did, I have at the end of the day been part of something which I am still proud of and along the journey I've done things which I never knew I was capable of and I've learnt new things through this process, so yeah, I will be upset for awhile but I will get over with it and let it all go. Nobody will be able to take such pride away from me, not even gossips or rumours.

Watching the two adnd videos which I've created, I cannot help missing the whole crazy experience of organising adnds, the toughest event (and you can call it the bitch event of all events SSSM have to organise) and yet the most memorable event organised by my committees because we spent so much time working on it together as a team and whether most of them realised it or not, those times were actually fun of course fun when you reflect about it.

During my first year, I was the entertainment IC and I was basically in charge of all the performances to be held on the Adnd night itself. It was pretty crazy because our original plan was to abort organising Adnd and then sometime during the easter break, we decided that we will have the Adnd and it was during the easter break, when most of the people were then either back at home or away on trips, that I had to source out for performers and thankfully, I managed to get a few really good performers for the night and managed to sell the idea that we should have an interactive salsa dance workshop on the night itself to the dance society who thankfully was happy to do it. The salsa dance workshop was well received and I was really glad that the crowd was spontaneous and they enjoyed themselves. I was once again part of something which I am proud of.

During my second year, I still sourced out for performers and the only thing that was different this time round was, I scripted a play and participated in it. All those crazy hours spent on editing the scripts, directing the plays and rehearsing them was all worth it because people enjoyed the play and this is another thing which I was part of and am proud of.
Through Singsoc, I was able to grow and develop into someone who is capable of almost anything if she tries hard enough and through Singsoc I was able to forge some very genuine friendships and most of which holds a very dear place in my heart and I am thankful for the experience and such great friends, through Singsoc I've weathered storms with these supportive friends, through Singsoc I've seen my friends at their best and their worst moments and vice versa.
Sense of satisfaction, sense of self-fulfillment, whatever you call it, I have them all and what gave me the opportunity to feel this great about myself, it is once again Singsoc, so I am truly grateful to Singsoc for letting me tryout things I would probably not try, for letting me learn something out of it, for letting me have all the fun I could possibly have, for letting me forge such genuine friendships with people, for letting me be in such the good company I was with (referring to my committees) and most importantly, for letting me be part of something which I am proud of and will be proud of for a very long time.