Friday, May 06, 2005

Tony Blair's Historic Third Term - Bravo Blair! Well done!

I woke up this morning checking the results of the election, feeling all so pleased and happy that my favourite politician, Tony Blair has won the third term of the election. This is no mean feat, afterall no labour party has ever won three consecutive election term.

Now all of you who are unhappy about this result and who might too think at the same time I have gone mad supporting someone who advocates war and all that, hold that thought now. I for one am not a supporter of war. One thing I dislike about this entire election is the focus on what Blair has supposedly done wrong in participating in the war, I mean who are you to justify whether the war is right or wrong? I don't agree with the justification made by the British government however I believe the war can be justified based on the premises that Saddam's regime is one that is repressive, oppressive and causes nothing but hardship to people. Do any of you have a single clue as to what the sons of Saddam and he himself has committed against their own subjects? Sure, you are right to say, this is still wrong because how can countries just intervene when a regime is repressive, shouldn't we all just mind our own business? Ok valid point made and for one, I do agree US politics are ever so nosey with other states' affairs but still I support the war in the name of greater good, compassion for humanity, in spite of all the lawlessness that went on in the regime for awhile. I am no massacrer and no butcher, mind you.

Another thing I hate about what some of the Britons have said about supporting any other party except for Labour because "we should send out a clear indication that this country has no tolerance for massacrer". Gosh people, you sure understand your electoral power placed firmly in your hands but do you actually know how to use it? By supporting other parties by which you have no intention of doing so but the reason why you voted for them is all because you disagree with Blair's views on iraq war is being plain childish, stupid and abuse of your own electoral power which the politicians try so desperately to woo. Do you know that this single day is the only day by which you can exercise your powers as a citizen effectively and vote for whichever party that will effectively be the government in power. Why are your views that myopic people? Iraq war is a thing of the past that happened and yes you are entitled to your views that it is morally wrong and you don't like it, but don't vote for other ineffective government just to spite Labour. Consider properly as to what is it about Labour you don't like and what is it that you like about Labour, weigh all the pros and cons up, consider the past achievements and promises made by the party, consider their current manifestos and then decide. By doing so you would have given yourself enough credit to moan and groan if the taxes do inflate in near future when you clearly voted for a party that advocates no inflation of taxes. I mean, come on look at the bigger picture, not just an angle of the picture.

Another relevant point with regards to this election, which I particularly find distasteful is some of the Britons' laziness to vote, if you don't bother voting for the party which its manifestos supports better NHS services and that party don't win the election, should nothing be done about NHS services, can you then still complain? Moan and moan is what everyone else is doing and what they only know how to do when they don't even bother contributing their own votes to make their stand and expect things to go their way, what kind of warped logic is this man? You believe in something, you go out and advocate it, you want something, you go get it, you do nothing and expect something to happen your way, fat hope is all I have to say.

Another distasteful point of this elections is the abuse of ethnicity as well as religion. Many has claimed that Iraq war is not just a war but a war on muslims, give me a break. COME ON, what the hell is wrong with your puny brains, it has nothing to do with ethnicity and religion, it was a war supposedly declared against "weapons of mass destruction", stop abusing religion and ethnicity. That was a war against Iraq, a war against weapons of mass destruction, THIS is an ELECTION, where people should not go on a rampage and scath bitterly at Blair over the iraq war, surely the issues Labour party is set on sorting out are something of current interests and something which matters more and what is it with you people for crying out disrespect for ethnicity and religion when there are already legislations set up to protect you? This reminds me of Omarosa in the Apprentice, yes the black woman who cried discrimination when none of such issues arose during the show, I am sure all of you will agree with that if you've watched that season of the Apprentice.

On an ending note, I am so pleased with Blair's triumph! Me likey! Let's hope for better NHS services and oh to a better chamber of House of Lords whereby 92 of the remaining hereditary peers will say bye bye to their posts! *Celebrates* Ahahaha, maybe i should go set up a Blair fansite